
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Merci Beaucoup

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for the generous gifts and the beautiful bouquet of 'flowers' I received today. I feel very loved by the amount of thought, generosity and time everyone put into it. It has been an incredible year and I could not have asked for a better group of students. I feel honored that I got to be their kindergarten teacher. Merci beaucoup from the bottom of my heart!!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Cleaning out the desks

The big clean up began today. The students emptied out there desks and cleaned them inside and out!



Grade 2 Play

This afternoon, we went into Division 3's class to watch a play they put on. The students were mesmerized by the great costumes they made and said they can't wait to be in Grade 2 so they can do it too :)

Friday, June 24, 2016

Bonne Fete

We celebrated a summer birthday in class today. Two wonderful parents made and organized a pinata party for Division 9. The students had fun breaking the pinatas (there were three!) and then filling up their bags with candy. It was a great way to end our last full week together.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Terra Nova Park

Despite the rain, the students had a great time at the park. As soon as we got there they were off and running to the giant slide. There was a huge puddle at the bottom and they pretended it was a water slide. After 45 minutes, the rain stopped and it turned out to be a beautiful morning. When we got back to school, we pushed all the desk aside and had a picnic in class. Then Mme Anna and I set up different activities the kids could choose from for the rest of the day. One student said this was the best day of school this year!

Some of the grade 2 students started a 'slug club'. They are braver than I!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Les Chansons

I have not taken very many photos during the past week because things are winding down for the year, we are out of our routine, and I keep forgetting! Instead, I will share moments we have in the day.

Today, a student asked if they could sing a song to the class. Afterwards, another student raised their hand and asked if they could sing one too. And then another student asked! It was so sweet. For about 20 minutes, one student after another came up to sing a song and the rest of the students listened intently and then clapped. It was an impromptu class performance. I love moments like that.

Friday, June 17, 2016

La Biblioteque

The kids enjoyed story time at Fraserview Library this morning. Thank you to all the parents who were able to help on our walk. The students were each able to take out one book. They are due on July 8th and can be returned to any Vancouver public library.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


It is one of the students most favorite things to do...the parachute in gym class!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Les Pompiers

We had so much fun at the fire hall today. The weather cooperated and the kids were very good on the walk there and back. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come and help out. I could not have done it without you!

The students got to sit in the firetruck, crush a can with the jaws of life, spray the fire hose at cones, and try on the fireman's jacket. I didn't get too many pictures without faces but here are a few from this afternoon.

Crushing a can with the jaws of life

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Au revoir Waffles et Stephanie

Today, we had to say goodbye to our chicks. The students were sad to say goodbye but everyone agreed that they were getting too big to stay in the container and would be much happier running around outside on a farm. Plus, Marga was picking up from other schools as well and the students thought it was pretty neat that Stephanie and Waffles were going to meet their sisters and brothers. When Marga came, she brought in a baby duck for the kids to meet.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Healthy Eating

Monday morning, our school nurse came into the class and talked about healthy eating. She went over the four food groups and did activities with the kids to teach about what foods are found in each. She focused on fruits and vegetables and challenged the kids to eat at least one green and one orange vegetable a day. Afterwards, the kids wrote what their favorite healthy food was.

She showed that in one bubble tea, there is an equivalent of 21 cubes of sugar.

In a slushie,  there is an equivalent of 24 cubes of sugar.

I didn't get a photo, but in a canned iced tea, there are 10 cubes of sugar.

J'aime manger les ananas. (pineapple)

J'aime manger les mangues et les fraises. (mangoes and strawberries)

J'aime manger les cerises. (cherries)

J'aime manger le cornbread.

J'aimes manger la pizza.

J'aime manger les bananes.

J'aime manger les slushies. (there has got to be at least one!)

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Waffles and Stephanie

On Thursday, I spoke to the farmer about Stephanie's splayed leg and she walked us through making a splint to help possibly fix it. Mme Anna (grade 2 teacher) also has a experience caring for birds with this issue, so with her help, we made a brace for Stephanie to help her walk. It doesn't bother her at all and she is loving running around with
Waffles :) She is eating and drinking and growing just as much as Waffles and Marga said as long as she's doing that, she will be fine.

On Thursday, our buddy class came over to visit and the students drew and wrote about the chicks. Their pictures were very cute!