
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Les citrouilles

We had a blast picking a pumpkin from the school yard today. The students had fun decorating crowns for them and were looking forward to taking them home to be carved. We have a few class pumpkins and will continue doing activities with them for the rest of the week.

pumpkin - une citrouille

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

C'est L'halloween!

Look at our classroom door! Thank you to the parent volunteers who made this happen. The kids love it and were proud to show it off to the school.

Les chauve-souris

We are learning about patterns in math. The students chose two colors and painted a patterned bat. Ask your child what colors they chose and what pattern they made!

pattern - une régularité

bat - une chauve-souris

Monday, October 24, 2016

Letter of the Week

This week, we are learning all about the letter 'i'. Ask your child to teach you the name of the letter, the action and the sound it makes. This is a tricky is pronounced 'eee' (like the letter 'e' in English), so it is normal for students to get confused, or for it to take a little longer to learn it in French.

mouse - souris

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pyjama Day

Don't forget, Thursday October 20 is pyjama day! Students can wear their pyjamas to school and chose one stuffed animal to bring. 

Image result for pyjama day

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Letter of the Week

This week, we are learning all about the letter 'Mm'. The students are learning to write both an upper case 'M' and a lower case 'm'.

upper case - majuscule
lower case - minuscule

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall Trees

Throughout the year, we will learn about the changing seasons. This week, we talked about autumn, and all the changes that happen in nature. We also did an art project based on some pictures of trees whose leaves had changed color. The students had fun tracing their hand as the tree trunk!

autumn - l'automne
leaves - les feuilles
sun - le soleil
wind - le vent
rain - la pluie
raining - il pleut

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fire Drill

Today, we had our first practice fire drill. I gave the students lots of warning before hand. We talked about what to do and what it would sound like. I was very proud at how well they did during the practice. Often after a drill, students come home with lots of questions that they might not have asked at school. Please be patient as the answers often alleviate any anxieties they might be feeling.

Image result for fire drill

't' est pour tortue

With our buddies help, the students made turtles (une tortue). We brainstormed words with the letter 't', and then sounded out the word tortue together. Not only did the students learn new vocabulary, it was a great way to practice our scissor skills :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Mixing Colors

We painted a color wheel today. The students began with three colors: red, blue and yellow. Then chose two to mix together. This is a fun way for kids to experiment with colors and they get so excited when they can create their own! They might need to see the pictures to jog their memories, but most of them were able make purple, green and orange!

Red + Yellow = Orange
Yellow + Blue = Green
Blue + Red = Purple

The students used plates as their mixing palette

Painting can be messy but it's worth it!

Letter of the Week

This week, we are learning about the letter 't'. Ask your child to teach you the name of the letter, the action, and the sound.

We are also working on proper letter formation. The students worked hard to write the letter 't' from top to bottom.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


The students have been learning how to count in French. Ask you child to count
from 1-10!

Image result for one to ten in french

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Library Books due Thursday

Just a reminder that tomorrow is library book exchange day.
Image result for books

Zones of Regulation

The students have been learning to identify their emotions. We categorize our emotions into four 'zones': the blue zone, the green zone, the yellow zone and the red zone (see below for zone descriptions). We do check-ins during the day, and the students are getting so good at identifying how they are feeling. Now that the students are able to identify their emotions, we will begin to learn strategies on how to manage them. I will share them with you as they learn!

This is the ideal zone to be in. This is when our bodies are calm, comfortable, focused, 
and ready to learn. 

The blue zone is when we are feeling tired, hungry, sad, or sick.

The yellow zone is when we are feeling hyper, silly, or wiggly. 

The red zone is when we are feeling angry, frustrated, scared or anxious.

The students have their picture on some velcro and move it from zone to zone throughout the day depending on how they are feeling. This helps them understand how their body is feeling and why they might be reacting to situations in a certain way (maybe they are hungry, tired, hyper, etc). We are going to start learning specific ways on how to get ourselves back into the 'green zone'. It is hard even for adults! But it is incredible to see when a 5 year old is able to do it :)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Letter of the Week

This week, we will learn all about the letter 'a'. Ask your child to teach you how to say the letter in French, the sound it makes, and the action.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Rainbow Day

On Thursday, we made rainbows with our big buddies. The students have been learning a song called 'L'arc-en-ciel' (see Songs and Lyrics section for music) and they used the song to help them remember the order of the colors in the rainbow.