
Monday, December 17, 2018

Winter Crafts

It's been so busy that I haven't had time to take many photos of the activities we've been doing in order to update our blog. Almost every afternoon we do a winter craft. Not only does it decorate our classroom for the season but it is a great way to learn new vocabulary and develop fine motor skills.

A big thank you to Yuko, Nathan and Celeste who helped the students make salt-dough decorations this morning. We will paint them later this week and they will bring them home on Friday.

les cannes-à-sucres =candy canes
les bougies = candles

les pingouins = penguins

les bas de Noël = stockings

les flocons de neige = snowflakes

Letter Ff

One of the letters we are learning this week is 'f'. Ask your child to teach you the action and the sound it makes. The students did a great job printing this letter. Ask them to show you how to write it from top to bottom. They were also able to brainstorm a ton of words with the sound 'ffff' in both English and French. Their French vocabulary is growing so much!!

'f' dit fffff
'f' dit fffff
froid, froid
fff, fff, fff

Friday, December 14, 2018

Letter Uu

The second letter we learned this week is 'u'. The students thought the action and song was funny! Ask them to teach it to you.

'u' dit u
'u' dit u
pue, pue
u, u, u

Monday, December 10, 2018

Letter Pp

Today we learned about the letter ‘p’. Ask your child to teach you how to say it in French, and the sound it makes.

‘p’ dit p
‘p’ dit p
pluie, pluie 
p, p, p

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Letter Dd

The second letter we are learning this week is 'd'. We are focusing on printing lower case letters and this is another hard one to write. Practice at home as often as you can.

'd' dit d
'd' dit d
descendre, descendre
d, d, d

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Song - Je suis pret pour les montagnes

Below is the link to a song we are learning. It has a lot of actions and the students love it. We will probably sing this one for the Winter Concert on December 18.

Charlotte Diamond - Je suis pret pour les montagnes

Image result for kids skiing on mountains

Les mitaines

We painted mittens and the students had to put a sentence together. Ask your child to read you what it says!

Voici mes mitaines

Letter Oo

One of the letters we are learning this week is 'o'. Ask your child to teach you the action and the sound it makes.

'o' dit oh
'o' dit oh
océan, océan
oh, oh, oh