
Friday, June 28, 2019

Merci Beaucoup!

Wow. I am sure a lucky teacher. Not only was I blessed to teach your children but you all spoiled me on our last day together 💝 I did not get a chance to thank everyone at the end of the day yesterday but I do want everyone to know that I appreciate all the gifts I got. Between the chocolates, jewelry, flowers, Starbucks and Indigo gift cards, personalized cards and books, cd's, and of course, the very generous group gift, my summer is already off to a great start! Merci beaucoup. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you all in September.

Image result for merci beaucoup

(Temporary Backup) Robot workshop

*June 11, 2019 (failed upload)

This morning, UBC engineering and science students came to our class to give a workshop on robots. The students learned how to program the robot to move using a coloured marker and then use different coloured codes to make it go fast/spin/slow/etc. The students first made individual ones and then we worked together as a class to made a giant circuit. I took mostly videos but can’t seem to upload them onto the blog. Here a few simple pictures when we were getting started.

(Temporary Backup) Our Garden

*June 20, 2019 (failed upload)

This week we harvested some of our garden. We have so many things growing: carrots, kale, cucumbers, beets, lettuce, and peas. We did some watering and picked the lettuce, kale and beets that were ready. On Thursday, we made a salad and ate it together at snack time. We still have lots of kale that is ready to eat so please feel free to pick some and take it home. You can also come visit our garden over the summer and help yourself to whatever is ready.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Outdoor Treasure Hunt

We did an outdoor treasure hunt with our buddy class today. Each pair was given a sheet of paper with 15 objects to find outside. The students loved it! It would be a great activity to do this summer when you’re out for a walk :)

Le monde est a nous

Here is a link to a song we sing as a school during our assemblies. It is a bit fast for the kindergarteners but they love the song and can sing the chorus. It is a beautiful song about how love makes the world a better place.

Alex Nevsky - Le monde est a nous

Image result for world with a heart

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


We had our presentation from O.W.L. today. The presenter, Zac, brought in an American Kestrel named Johnny and a Southern Boobook owl named Cricket. The Southern Boobook Owl is native to Australia and was brought in from Smithers where is was someones pet who no longer wanted it. It was so neat to see an owl up close and the students were captivated! They learned so many facts about owls. We even dissected owl pellets and say mouse skeletons. Ask your child to share with you what they learned.

An eagles talons

Baby Owls' downy feathers

An eagles egg

An owl's wing

An eagles wing. Half the length of Zac!

American Kestrel named Johnny

Sourhern Boobook named Cricket

Touching an Osprey's talon.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

sur le/sur la

In the students activity bags today, there is a book called 'sur'. This means 'on', as in on top of something. When reading the book with your child, you can:
-spell the word together, s-u-r spells sur
-focus on differentiating between 'le' and 'la' (this keeps their eyes on the words in stead of just guessing or memorizing)
-ask them to find certain letters on the page
-read 'sur la _____' and have them teach you the vocabulary word based on the picture (it is not expected that they know all the words, but they should be able to get at least half!).

Les Chrysalides

We have cocoons! This morning we made caterpillars out of egg cartons. The students called them their ´class pet’. We will do some writing and science activities with them next week. And in 14 days, we will have butterflies :)

Thursday, May 23, 2019

La chenille qui fait des trous

We read ´La chenille qui fait des trous’ and are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Our caterpillars are getting big and should begin to cocoon in the next few days! 

´ou ´

This week, we are learning the sound ‘ou´. Ask your child to teach you the sound it makes. We are also learning some words that contain that sound. 

ou dit ooooo
ou dit ooooo
loup, loup
ooo, ooo, ooo