
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Field Trip!!

Tomorrow is our field trip and we will be driving. Please don't forget to send your child to school with their booster seat!! We will leave at 9am so please be on time. Merci.

Image result for booster seat for kids

Sight Word Graphing

The students graphed some of the sight words we are learning. These are some high frequency words that are often found in books and print around the classroom. Ask your child to read you the five we worked on today.



I gave each student a plastic egg and challenged them to find different ways to move it across their desk without using any part of their body. They had a great time finding ways to push/pull it!

push - pousse

We also tried doing the same thing with cubes and prisms and discussed how the shape of an object plays a role in how it moves.

using string to pull it

using a straw to blow it across a different surface

we also experimented with different surfaces (smooth, bumpy) to see if that affected the tools we used to move the egg

creating bridges between desks

a great tool created to stop the egg from rolling off the desk

Letter of the week

This week, we are learning all about the letter Yy. Ask your child to teach you the action and the sound it makes.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Zero Heroes

This morning, we watched a play called 'Zero Heroes'. It was all about waste: what is waste, what does it do to our environment, and what can we do to produce less of it. It was geared towards young children and the students loved it! Below is a link to their website. If you click on FREE RESOURCES, they have printables and games you can play. They also have the link to the songs they sang, although I couldn't get that to work.

Dream Rider Productions

Monday, February 20, 2017

100th Day of School!

We had so much fun celebrating our 100th day of school. We began the day by grouping our 100 items into groups of 10. Then we looked at some pictures of animals: scaly ones, fluffy ones, prickly ones, etc...and thought about what animal our 100 items reminded us of. The students did a great job using their imaginations.

This afternoon, the students made portraits of what they think they will look like when they are 100 years old. To make a wrinkly face, they crumpled up the paper, and to make grey/white hair, they tore up cotton balls. They were laughing the whole time :)

Friday, February 17, 2017

New alphabet centres

To keep things fresh and exciting, we changed some of our alphabet centers today.
The students wear a crown with a letter attached. They can't see it and their partner has to give them clues as to which letter it is without saying the actual letter. For example, do the action or say words with the letter in it.

This is the stamp station. They can stamp the alphabet, their name, or words they know.

This is the listening center. They run the card through the machine and it will say the word if they don't know.

Foot measurement

Today, we measured our feet using blocks. We traced our foot (the students had fun doing that!), cut it out, then measured it with counting blocks. When the students were done, they measured things around the classroom.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Letter of the Week

This week, we are learning all about the letter 'Vv'. Ask your child to teach you the sound it makes and the action that goes along with it. When we learn new letters, we brainstorm all the words we know that has that sound. The students were able to list many words with the letter 'v', and all in French!

throughout the day they thought of more...
valentin, division, avion

Ask your child if they can name a few

La Saint Valentin

We had so much fun celebrating Valentine's Day yesterday. Thank you to everyone for providing such fun and special cards, not only for all the students but for me as well. Merci beaucoup. I am spoiled.

The kids made cards and stained glass hearts to bring home. They didn't turn out quite as planned because I didn't have the right paint but the students had fun making them anyways.

The bags the students decorated. When we handed out the cards, they students would put them in the bags. They had fun passing them out. This is the before picture... 

...and these are the after!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Je suis une pizza

Here is a link to a song we are singing. I've also posted it in the French Songs and Poems page for easy finding. Happy singing!

'Je suis une pizza' by Charlotte Diamond

Image result for cartoon pizza