
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Merci beaucoup!

Thank you all so much for the gifts I received yesterday and today. From the VERY generous gift certificates to restaurants and spas I will enjoy over the summer, to classroom resources, jewelry, olive oils and homemade cards, I love them all. You have spoiled me more than I deserve. It has been an honor to teach each child in this class. The end of the year is bittersweet. I am sad that I am no longer their teacher and will not see them every day, but am happy because I know they are all ready for a new and exciting year in Grade One.

I have one last picture to post. The students worked hard all day on a project for Mme Cecilia. We sang her a song and presented her with a gift the students made. We were truly lucky to have her as part of our class and each student grew that much more because of her love and support.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Field Trip

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field trip to the park. We will leave at 9am and arrive back at school around 2:15. It is suppose to be a sunny day so don't forget the sunscreen!

Image result for cartoon kids playing at a park

Friday, June 16, 2017

French Songs

I've added three new songs on the French Songs and Poems page. Here is the link to one the students enjoy. It goes great with the book that was in their book bags this week.

Bonjour Monsieur by Matt Maxwell - video with lyrics


This month has been so busy I have not had time to take photos and update the blog. We have been doing lots of fun things and I have a few photos of our field trips this week.

The visit to the firehall was fun. The students learned about some fire safety and got to explore the big trucks.

The students also had a great time at the library. The children's librarian was fantastic. She read some stories and taught the kids some new songs before they got to choose a book. The due date to return the books is July 6 and they can be returned at any Vancouver Public Library.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to help on our walks!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Will Stroet concert at the Annex

Will Stroet came to our school this morning to perform for our students! We listen to many of his songs in class and the students were excited to hear a few of the songs we knew.

Check out his website for music and videos.

Will Stroet

He is also playing on Canada Day at 2:45 in Burnaby Village and at Swangard at 5:15 if you are looking for something fun to do.

Friday, June 2, 2017


We had a total of 9 chickens hatch this week. It has been so fun having them in the class. The students have been taking good care of them and enjoy watching them jump around in their bin. We did an interactive writing activity about them today. Since there are so many, we can't tell them apart to give them all names, so the students got to draw them and write what they would have named them on their paper.


We had our presentation from O.W.L. yesterday. The presenter brought in a hawk named Harley and a screech owl called Luna. It was so neat to see an owl up close and the students were captivated! They learned so many facts about the owls found in BC. Ask them to share with you what they learned.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Cookie and Nugget

When the students came into class this morning, there were four chicks: two black/brown ones and two yellow/brown ones. We decided to only name one of the yellow/brown ones because they looked so alike we thought we might have difficulty telling them apart. The students voted on the name Chicken Nugget, or 'Nugget' for short. By the end of the day, we had six chickens and when I left, one more was hatching. Their bin is going to get very crowded!

The students got to hold one today. They said the feet tickled their hand and their feathers were soft.

Nugget showing his new brother how to eat for the first time.