
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Merci beaucoup!

Thank you all so much for the gifts I received yesterday and today. From the VERY generous gift certificates to restaurants and spas I will enjoy over the summer, to classroom resources, jewelry, olive oils and homemade cards, I love them all. You have spoiled me more than I deserve. It has been an honor to teach each child in this class. The end of the year is bittersweet. I am sad that I am no longer their teacher and will not see them every day, but am happy because I know they are all ready for a new and exciting year in Grade One.

I have one last picture to post. The students worked hard all day on a project for Mme Cecilia. We sang her a song and presented her with a gift the students made. We were truly lucky to have her as part of our class and each student grew that much more because of her love and support.

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