
Monday, September 24, 2018

Bon Dragon et Je Parle Francais

We have two school-wide incentive programs that we have begun to incorporate into our class.
1.     Je parle francais - Billet Bleu
A ‘billet bleu’ (blue ticket) will be given to students who make an effort to speak French. 

2.     Bon Dragon – Billet Vert
A ‘bon dragon’ (good dragon) ticket will be given to students who demonstrate good citizenship. 
We collect them and on the first Monday of every month, we have a school assembly and draw one name for 'Je Parle Francais' and one name for 'Bon Dragon' from each division. 
Those student are recognized at the assembly for their good behaviour.
We are already filling up our basket and the students are working hard to collect their tickets!

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