
Monday, October 1, 2018

Zones of Regulation

The students have been learning to identify their emotions. We categorize our emotions into four 'zones': the blue zone, the green zone, the yellow zone and the red zone (see below for zone descriptions). We do check-ins during the day, and the students are getting so good at identifying how they are feeling. Once we get some practice at identifying our emotions, we will begin to learn strategies on how to manage them. I will share them with you as they learn!

The blue zone is when we are feeling tired, hungry, sad, or sick.

This is the ideal zone to be in. This is when our bodies are calm, comfortable, focused, and ready to learn. 

The yellow zone is when we are feeling hyper, silly, or wiggly. 

The red zone is when we are feeling angry, frustrated, scared or anxious.

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