
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Our first bit of writing!

This is such an exciting time of year when we see the kindergarteners beginning to write. Some students know how to write phonetically already and for some, this is the first time. The exciting part is, we are all learning to write in French together!

Tuesday, we read a story and then wrote what we wear outside when it is cold.

When learning to write, they slowly say the word and then write down all the sounds they hear. At the beginning, it is usually just the first and last sound they are able to write down. But some students are already writing a middle sound too!

un manteau (a coat)

un foulard dans une boite (a scarf in a box)

un foulard, un manteau (a scarf and a jacket)

un manteau (a scarf)

des souliers (shoes)

des bottes (boots)

une tuque

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