
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

100th Day of School!

Today was our 100th day of school! It was such a fun (but exhausting!) day. I wouldn't be surprised if your child goes to bed a little early tonight. We started off the day making portraits of ourselves of what we thought we'd look like at 100 years old. I had written down some activities. Randomly throughout the day, I would pick a card and we would do that activity for 100 seconds. We danced the twist for 100 seconds, we tried to hold our breath for 100 seconds, we jogged for 100 seconds, we counted how many times we could touch our head, shoulders, knees and toes for 100 seconds. It was so much fun! We ended the day by making crowns and being proud of how much we've learned already in 100 days of school.

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