
Monday, January 9, 2017

En hiver, je porte...

Today we journaled about what items of clothing we wear in the winter. They are getting so good at sounding out known words...I am very proud of how hard they are trying! At this point in Kindergarten, if they can identify the most obvious sound(s), that is fantastic. For example, if they were trying to spell the word 'apple' and were able to write 'al' or 'apl', that is something to celebrate!

When you aren't feeling rushed as you are leaving the house, ask your child to teach you the vocabulary for the articles of clothing they wear when it's cold outside.

mittens - les mitaines
boots - les bottes
toque - une tuque
scarf - un foulard
hat - un chapeau
sweater - un chandail
jacket - un manteau
umbrella - une parapluie
snow pants - pantalon de neige


tuque, mitaine

mitaine, manteau



mitaine, tuque, foulard

manteau, pantalon de neige

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