
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Nos resolutions de 2017

For the past two days, we have been talking about our resolutions and goals for the year. We've brainstormed ideas and discussed them as a class. Today, we sat in a circle and passed around bunny (he is actually called Calm Down Bunny and I use him during our Second Step lessons, but sometimes he comes out during our regular French lessons as well). When you are holding the bunny, that means you are the only one who is talking while the rest of us listen. We pass bunny around the circle until everyone has had a turn. The students had some great resolutions, for example learning how to do a cartwheel, eating healthy fruits and vegetables every day, listening to my mom or dad the first time, learning how to read, learning how to swim and being nicer to my sister/brother. Some of the ideas where so sweet and thoughtful! Ask your child what they shared today :)

C'est 2017 - It's 2017
lapin - bunny

learn how to snowboard and ice skate

eat dinner with my family and eat my fruits and vegetables

get better at gymnastics

clean my room before my mom even asks

learn how to hold my breath under water

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