
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Bonne Nuit Monde

Yesterday, we read the story 'Goodnight World' (I translated it in French as I read). It was a story about saying goodnight to all the animals found on the pacific west coast. After reading, the students choose an animal to illustrate and then wrote bonne nuit (good night) and then sounded out the animal they choose. I am so proud of all the students and how hard they worked to sound it out! We are also working conventions of writing (starting with a capital letter, putting spaces between the words, and ending the sentence with a period). The students love saying 'un point a la fin'! (A period at the end!)

tortue, papillon

Bonne nuit loup.

Bonne nuit tortue.

Bonne nuit papillon.

Bonne nuit loup.

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