
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"I'm sorry, it was an accident"

For our Second Step lesson this week, we are talking about what to say if we do something by accident. An accident is when something happens that we didn't mean, it is not something done on purpose. In the picture below, the little girl was running outside and not looking where she was going. She accidentally bumped into her friend and caused him to fall. This, and other similar accidents, often happen at school. We discussed how important it is for the person that caused the accident to explain what happened so that their friend understands it was not done on purpose. We role played and practiced saying:

"I'm sorry. It was an accident. Are you o.k.?"

I've already witnessed some students use this in class. It is a great problem solving strategy.

Ask your child to look at the picture with you and discuss what you see. Have a conversation about what the little girl can do to help fix the situation.

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